Sunday, June 29, 2008

Our baby's 1st Brithday

(Ignore my beautiful singing)

happy 1st birthday drew!

It's hard to believe that it has been a year. Our baby is 1. We decided to postpone Drew's birthday party till next weekend. So today it was just the 4 of us. Nice and quiet. Drew had an eventful day. We bought Drew a little pool, thinking that he would love it, yeh not so much. He wanted nothing to do with it. He wouldn't even let me put his feet in. After cake, Luke and Drew were playing and of course Luke got too rough and I think you can guess what happened next. So after we got Drew calmed down he fell off the deck and cut his head. More screaming! Off to the bathtub to settle down. Well..... he decided to poop in the bathtub. Yeh that's not nice. What an evening. Drew loves to play outside (he must be a Parrish) and Daddy has now decided that Drew has had enough of the outdoors. It means more crying for me. Happy Birthday Drew.

Monday, June 2, 2008

It's been a crazy summer already!

We have been insanely busy. I wish that life would slow down. It all started after I made my first post. I was off of work that week. Enjoying time home with the boys. My week off started with Mother's Day and ended with the stomach flu. On Saturday, may 17th we had a BBQ at our house for my birthday. That morning Drew woke up throwing up. I thought it was his teeth because he was cutting 2 top teeth. Little did I know.... On Sunday Luke and I were sick all day. We never got off the couch. And Monday we were all home sick. We began the week from hell. We went back to work on Tuesday and Wednesday thinking everything was normal. Well, we succeeded in getting the babysitter sick and she never gets sick. So we worked from home on Thursday. Then Friday Drew decided to stop eating so we were off to the pediatrician. I guess it takes their little tummies longer to recover from the flu. He got better over the weekend. We were thankful that week was over. But Oh No, it wasn't over. Luke got sick again the following Thursday with the flu. And guess what, Drew followed in his brother's shoes. He was sick this past Saturday and boy was his miserable (so was my back from holding him all day.) We are hoping that this week is much better.
Luke is taking swimming lessons on Saturday. That kid has no fear. This coming Saturday he starts hockey lessons. Let me tell you... He is sooooo excited. I fear that this is the beginning of running my children all over town. It's just like when your child takes their first steps. You are excited but at the same time you dread what it means.
And it's only the beginning of June.

May trip to the Denver Zoo

We made our annual trip to the zoo a few weeks ago. It was a beautiful Friday afternoon. With Luke's fabulous attention span we made it through the zoo in 2 hours. We spent the longest amount of time checking out the polar bears. One polar bear was kind enough to rub his behind on the glass right in front of us. I think he was trying to tell us something. I think that Luke was more excited about riding the train than he was to see the animals. Grandma bought the boys these shirts. Don't they look cute.